

The way it should be

Norm is a reputation-based recommendation network.

The main feature of the network is the most accurate and honest recommendations of everything useful, from experts to a movie or restaurant. It is not profitable to cheat or buy them, because users are responsible for their reputation for each recommendation and each invited user. You can join Norm by invitation only.

Reputation in Norm is subjective. Each user sees how the “norm” is different for them. Therefore, different people, accessing the same profile, may have a different reputation.

The social network offers a new approach to promoting brands and companies as well as personal blogs - quality and practical benefits rather than sales. The system only promotes users and companies whose content, personality and products are considered useful by others.

Norm's mission is to create for everyone a personal filter of everything valuable around and help people unite cnew rummy app 2023 51 bonusom based on real interests and preferences, and not formal signals or desires of advertisers.

Norm - the way it should be.

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